II Entrepreneural Lunch & Learn: A dive into the power of the Elevator Pitch
Discover how the event unveiled communication secrets and sparked new ideas with lectures and hands-on opportunities for academics and entrepreneurs....
In a landmark collaboration, Unicamp's LPD partners with ESSS to revolutionize photonics research, leveraging cutting-edge engineering software and simulation tools....
From assuming roles as Chairs and Speakers to actively participating as judges in the LIF Empreende Program, IPhD's contributions underscored their dedication to innovation and fostering entrepreneurial spirit within Phthotonics....
Throughout the month, our presenters provided updates on their projects, each contributing to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields....
iPhD researchers have an article published in Nature Communications and attract attention from the scientific community...
SEMINATEC 2023 is a continuation of previous workshops, all focused on technology trends in the areas of micro and nanotechnology. The goal of this event is to promote the interaction among industry, academy, research & development centers, government and students, all looking for real opportunities...
Pesquisa recebeu publicação na revista Nature Communications...
Evento aconteceu na última terça-feira, 9 de março...
Tecnologia desenvolvida pela Unicamp com patente concedida pelo Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI) propõe a melhora do aproveitamento da energia solar com uso da radiação não utilizada pelas células solares para auxiliar no aquecimento de água...
Desenvolvimento de soluções para a medicina é uma das principais conquistas em termos de novos estudos no campo óptico...