IPhD Scientific Meetings: A recap for September

IPhD Scientific Meetings: A recap for September

Throughout the month, our presenters provided updates on their projects, each contributing to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

Text by Greta Garcia

In the month of September, the IPhD Scientific Meetings once again provided a place for our researchers and scholars to share their latest insights, fostering innovation and collaboration within the academic community. We extend our appreciations to the presenters for their commitment to the pursuit of knowledge.

For this month, our presenters were:

September 13th: Rafael Cárbat

On this date, we had the privilege of listening to Rafael Cárbat, Prof. Felippe Barbosa’s PhD student. Rafael shared the progress of his research, which revolves around the fabrication of on-chip quasi-phase matched parametric down conversion in thin film lithium niobate. This innovative project holds promise for quantum photonics applications.

September 20th: Dr. André Luís Moras Júnior

The following week, Dr. André Luís Moras Júnior led the discussion, shedding light on optical sensors based on photonic molecules. He underscored the significance of these devices in Lab-On-a-Chip (LOC) development and elaborated on the advantages of the Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) platform in sensing applications.

Dr. Moras also presented substantial results from the literature, and he provided insights into the ongoing post-processing activities within the group, thereby showcasing both accomplishments and challenges in the field.

September 27th: Eduardo Sell Gonçalves

Closing out the month, Eduardo Sell Gonçalves, a postdoc working under Prof. Gustavo Wiederhecker, presented his research involving a degenerated optical parametric oscillator in photonic molecules. The outcome of his work is the creation of a truly random number generator, a development with substantial implications.

We from IPhD express our gratitude to all the researchers who shared their ideas and progress with our community. For real-time updates on our activities, we invite you to follow us on Instagram (@iphd.unicamp). Join us!
