Don’t miss out: Colloquium on Light Localization: From Randomness to Aperiodic Metamaterials with Felipe Pinheiro (UFRJ)

Don’t miss out: Colloquium on Light Localization: From Randomness to Aperiodic Metamaterials with Felipe Pinheiro (UFRJ)

You’re invited to an incredible event that will explore the mysteries of light and its interaction with the world around us.

Text by Greta Garcia

Have you ever wondered how light can get “trapped” in disordered environments? The phenomenon known as Anderson Localization is a fascinating puzzle that challenges our understanding of waves and their propagation in chaotic media. It occurs with different types of waves, like sound, light, and even quantum waves at very low temperatures.

Invited speaker: Prof. Felipe Pinheiro, UFRJ Specialist

Date: August 10, 2023

Time: 4:00 PM

Location: Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics (IFGW) Auditorium

Online streaming at Google Meet platform

In this special colloquium, the renowned Professor Felipe Pinheiro from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ) will share his research on this intriguing topic. He will take us on a journey from the challenges of localizing light in three-dimensional systems to a promising alternative: aperiodic metamaterials. Inspired by patterns found in nature, like the sunflower, these materials offer an interesting way to explore light localization more efficiently.

This is the first colloquium of the semester, an unmissable opportunity to dive into more advanced discussions on a fascinating and ever-evolving subject.

Save the date and join us for an exciting afternoon of insights and transformative learning!

Addendum (September 8th):
The colloquium mentioned in this article has already taken place, and we are pleased to share the recording of the event for those who could not attend live. You can watch the full recording at this link.
