UNICAMP Professor Named Optica Fellow for Notable Contributions in Optics and Photonics

UNICAMP Professor Named Optica Fellow for Notable Contributions in Optics and Photonics

Dr. Hugo Fragnito now joins an elite class of professionals globally recognized for their exceptional achievements and contributions in the field of optics.

Texy by Greta Garcia

Professor Hugo Luis Fragnito, from the Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics (IFGW) at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), was recognized for outstanding and sustained contributions to nonlinear and ultrafast spectroscopy in condensed materials, nonlinear fiber optics, and optical communications.

Optica, formerly known as OSA (Optical Society of America), announced the selection of 129 members from 26 countries for its 2024 Class of Fellows. This designation is one of the most prestigious recognitions bestowed by the society, reserved for individuals who stand out for their exceptional contributions to advancing optical knowledge.

Fragnito was recognized for his remarkable and ongoing dedication to research in nonlinear and ultrafast spectroscopy in condensed materials, nonlinear fiber optics, and optical communications. His influence and significant contributions in the field have been instrumental in advancing and understanding these areas of study.

The designation as a Optica Fellow represents a milestone of recognition within the scientific community, reflecting the impact and relevance of Prof. Fragnito’s work in advancing knowledge in optics and photonics. He now joins an elite class of professionals globally recognized for their exceptional achievements and contributions in the field of optics.

Prof. Fragnito’s nomination will be celebrated at events and conferences throughout 2024, honoring his commitment and excellence in optical and photonic research. UNICAMP takes pride in having a researcher whose work continues to push boundaries and inspire future generations in the field of optical science.

It is with great joy that we congratulate him on this appointment. His tireless dedication to research and exceptional contributions to the field of optics and photonics are truly inspiring.
