
Centered around two brazilian universities:
University of Campinas (Unicamp)
Mackenzie Presbyterian University

What we do

Integrated research for a successful experience in photonic devices

The iPhD research project combines three primary areas that operate together as an integrated work field. They are divided in the following subjects:


1. Non-linear Photonics
2. New Materials
3. Hybrid Integration

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Prof. Newton Frateschi,
principal investigator

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Prof. Gustavo Wiederhecker,
New experiences on the field of Photonics research

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Prof. Thiago Alegre,
Fundamentals on non-linear optics through iPhD research studies

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Prof. Christiano de Matos,
New materials research at Mackenzie Presbyterian University aligned with Unicamp’s laboratories

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Prof. Lucas Gabirelli
Meet our main researchers in the Hybrid Integrations research area

We are interested in R&D partners

R&D Cooperation Opportunities

The IPhD group is open to cooperate with other academic groups, industry and startups.

Our researchers are based in the following institutes